What's included
We recommend
Equipment and inventory to effectively complete the kit.
Leave a request for a consultation and we will help you decide.
Additional inventory and equipment
Something that will come in handy in the kitchen.
The kit of equipment allows you to produce chocolate from cocoa beans to bars (Bean-to-Bar), as well as from chocolate mass (cocoa liquor) or ready-made chocolate.
Crushing and separation.
The pre-roasted cocoa beans must be turned into nibs, stripped of vella (bean husks). Our crusher with separator is perfect for this. The beans are crushed with the help of special toothed shafts, after which the nibs together with the vella roll down the pipe, where they enter the chamber with the air flow going up (the principle of operation is similar to that of a vacuum cleaner). The air picks up a light vella and it flies upward, collecting further in a special bag (well, exactly like in a vacuum cleaner), and the nibs continue to fall down the pipe and collect in an open container, since the flow force is not enough to lift the heavier pieces. This is how the separation takes place. Next, you load the nibs into a melangeur or pack them for storage, and take out the vella from the bag for disposal, sale or processing.
Grinding the nibs and combining with other ingredients.
In order to make your own craft chocolate, you need to grind the ingredients and mix them properly in the melangeur. The melangeur is a mill with heavy millstones that grind everything that falls under them. The rotating bowl of the melange and special scrapers not only contribute to the high-quality grinding of all ingredients (up to 20 microns - these are such small particles that the whole mass feels homogeneous like butter), but also thoroughly mix the mass so that solid particles (cocoa, sugar, dry milk) hit each other and smoothed out. Smooth particles will give that very silkiness of elite chocolate and will give you more delight from the taste. For the preparation of such chocolate, you need from 48 to 72 hours of continuous grinding in the melangeur.
Unloading the chocolate.
When ready, the chocolate must be unloaded from the melangeur, poured into containers. We recommend using a special vibrating sieve when unloading, which will retain in the fine mesh all possible non-grinded ingredients that could remain on the bushings or along the edges of the bowl during the work of the melangeur. Filtering the chocolate ensures that not a single grain of cocoa or sugar crunches on your client's teeth. After unloading, part of the chocolate can be placed in an automatic tempering machine for operation, and the remaining chocolate can be left to solidify (crystallize), removed from the container and stored in the form of briquettes or pieces on demand.
Product manufacturing.
The finished chocolate, it does not matter whether it is prepared in a melangeur or bought in the form of callets, is placed in an automatic tempering machine, which must heat it up and turn it into a liquid state. Our automatic tempering machine holds up to 30 kg of chocolate. Then, by pressing a pair of buttons, the process of automatic pre-crystallization (tempering) starts, which takes no more than 20 minutes. The chocolate begins to circulate and pour out of the "spout", like from the faucet - already tempered. No granite tables, spatulas or dirty aprons. The operator only has to bring the chocolate molds, place them on the vibrating table for a couple of seconds to expel the air from the chocolate, and transfer the filled molds on the tray. Automation of the process of tempering and molds casting requires from the employee minimal training and competence in working with chocolate, which simplifies staff recruitment and training, saves time and speeds up production. But the main advantage of the automatic tempering machine is that you can connect various gadgets to it, such as a nozzle for the production of bon-bons or an enrobing table for quick enrobing of large batches of truffles or framed filling candies, waffles or cookies. An automatic tempering machine makes it possible to automate as much as possible what can be automated. This is the way to the factory.
Great to be able to get my hands on your products. So long I'm really satisfied with it to make strawberry chocolate (see the picture I linked)
Хорошая, красивая и эстетически приятная на внешний вид машина, и очень функциональная. Спасибо KADZAMA.
Меланжер производителя "KADZAMA" на 7 кг появился в нашем производстве порядка 3 лет назад, используется для помола образцов рецептур, из поломок только замена кнопки(теряется контакт), помол происходит однородный, примерно за двое суток. Приобретением очень довольны!
Так же у нас есть меланжёр KADZAMA на 57 кг. В ряду остальных машин — держит марку. По времени помола все меланжёры на производстве, включая KADZAMA, идентичны.
На меланжере KADZAMA делаем пралине и получается супер! Уже планируем запустить производство своего шоколада :)
Спасибо вашей команде за отличные меланжеры! Сегодня ровно 2 года, как семёрка трудится почти ежедневно без устали и ещё даже не заменяли дно и камни. Меланжер на 27 кг работает чуть больше года и также никаких проблем не возникало! Спасибо за оборудование отличного качество! При расширении за покупкой оборудования "Prime chocolate" только к Вам)!!!
I am super happy with the melangeur, the machine is doing a fantastic job. Thank you very much for your great work. I might get a second one next year, I’ll keep you updated.
Хочу поблагодарить команду компании KADZAMA в лице Дмитрия Матейчика за отличное оборудование, которое использую каждый день.
1. 24/7 работает чудо-аппарат "инкубатор кристаллов какао-масла, что упрощает работу с шоколадом. Темперирование в любом количестве и когда угодно - СУПЕР!
2. Ванна для темперирования - пожалуй самое оптимальное решение для работы с небольшим объёмом шоколада (до 20-30кг). Несоизмеримо проще использовать данный аппарат вместо автоматических темперирующих машин (дешевле и проще в обслуживании) с объемом до 20 кг.
3. В ближайшие время планирую покупать меланжер... и знаю точно где, у кого.
Короче... Молодцы! Успехов!
The equipment is amazing, I am very satisfied with it, unfortunatly, we couldn't open the bussines, because the current covid-19 restrictions, but we trust everything is gonna be better..